Captain James Cansler, born at Los Santos on 22nd Day of March 1990 at All Saints General Hospital, like to read newspaper and always prepare of everthing. Alone in this City about 11years. A working student since he is 17years old, a service crew at Fast food restaurant. Alumni of my College, Institute of Los Santos Police Academy (LSPA) with the course of Criminology because I'm aware of everything that happens in Los Santos. I always heard a news about killing people, bomber, massacre, snatchers, and most of all which is worst the Gang War.
When he is 16years old, His family has been killed by Murderers without mercy and he didn't protect them from killers that's why I'm alone in this City. He wanted to give justice but he don't have enough money for having a Lawyer in the Court of Justice, so he failed. Years has past after my family died, He read a newspaper and then I found out the Recruitment of Los Santos Police Department and they need Police Officer to protect the City and to have justice. But he don't have enough knowledge being a Police, the rules and law, and Codes. He didn't gave up on my journey and then He continue until I finish my course. Captain Cansler was appointed by Chief Beck to be Commanding Officer of TE Division, on July 2002.
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